2007-10-23 (Tue)

DVD が焼けなくなった


$ cdrecord -eject -v dev=1,0,0 speed=8 -pad -dao DVD.iso
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits.scsidev: '1,0,0'
scsibus: 2 target: 0 lun: 0
WARNING: the deprecated pseudo SCSI syntax found as device specification.
Support for that may cease in the future versions of wodim. For now,
the device will be mapped to a block device file where possible.
Run "wodim --devices" for details.
Fix your configuration.Unable to open this SCSI ID. Trying to map to old ATA syntax.This workaround will disappear in the near future.
Fix your configuration.Unable to open this SCSI ID. Trying to map to old ATA syntax.This workaround will disappear in the near future.
Fix your configuration.Unable to open this SCSI ID. Trying to map to old ATA syntax.This workaround will disappear in the near future.
Fix your configuration.Unable to open this SCSI ID. Trying to map to old ATA syntax.This workaround will disappear in the near future.
Fix your configuration.Unable to open this SCSI ID. Trying to map to old ATA syntax.This workaround will disappear in the near future.
Fix your configuration.Unable to open this SCSI ID. Trying to map to old ATA syntax.This workaround will disappear in the near future.

最初、Fix your ... が無限に出てきてすげー焦った。

どうやら、cdrecord はライセンスの関係で wodim になったとかどうとか、その関連ぽい。

wodim --devices で出てくるデバイス名を指定すれば良いらしい。USB で使ってると差し直す度に番号変わるから、この変更は助かる。

$ wodim --devices
wodim: Overview of accessible drives (1 found) :
 0  dev='/dev/scd0'     rwrw-- : 'TEAC' 'DV-W516E'

$ wodim -eject -v dev=/dev/scd0 speed=8 -pad -dao DVD.iso

Posted by Kyosuke Takayama at 2007-10-23 (Tue) 23:23 printable version



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